The DragonBurner Diffusor, printed in transparent PETG. We include 2 pieces because print defects are pretty hard to spot.
Variants: Micron, Printer for Ants, Voron, Pitchfork
The popular Rainbow Barf Logo LED for StealthBurner and possibly many other fun projects! Designed by whoppingpochard and VinnyCordeiro.
For instructions and the required STLs visit the Rainbow Barf Github page.
Optionally comes with a 100 Ohm resistor for the data line to prevent signal reflections (see our Neopixel info page), let us know if you need one (free of charge).
The Rainbow Barf Diffusor for use with the Stealthburner, printed in transparent PETG (which is the only exception when you should use PETG in your Voron ever!). We include 2 pieces because print defects are pretty hard to spot.Note that this part was printed on request (latest version as of 5th September 2022), and we made a few more. We did not test the part, so buy it on your own risk as we don't follow any updates to the printed part.
The transparent printed part [c]_stealthburner_LED_diffuser.stl for the Stealthburner, printed in transparent PETG (which is the only exception when you should use PETG in your Voron ever!). We include 2 pieces because print defects are pretty hard to spot.
3 pieces SK6812 neutral white for use in the Stealthburner, including a 100 Ohm resistor to avoid signal reflections (see below). The SK6812 has red, green and blue LEDs as well as a dedicated white LED to achieve a pure white color without a blue tint. Please check the comparison pictures.
The color_order for Klipper needs to be GRBW.
Connect them to your Neopixel/RGB-Port of your printer mainboard - make sure you have a current mainboard like Fysetc Spider or SKR 1.4/Octopus/Octopus Pro by Bigtreetech.
If you already used the Neopixel/RGB-Port of your printer mainboard - no problem! You can connect DOUT of your existing strip to DIN of these LEDs. You just have to ensure that you have the same LED type - if your existing strip has RGB Neopixels, use WS2812B. If your existing strip has RGBW Neopixels, use SK6812.
Important! The data signal can be degraded if you run it over a long wire (signal reflections on transmission lines). If your LEDs don't show the desired colors or switch colors at random please try a very short cable to the mainboard first to ensure your wiring is correct. Then put the 100-120 Ohm resistor in-line with your DIN wire as close to the mainboard: DIN Mainboard -> 100-120 Ohm resistor -> long wire -> Neopixel DIN.
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